What is Redotex nf and what is it used for?
Mexican diet pills Redotex nf is a dietary supplement for supporting the treatment of obesity and weight loss. One capsule contains Norpseudoephedrine (50 mcg), Aloin (16.2 mg), and atropine sulfate (0.36 mg).
Atropine stimulates the CNS and then depresses it; has an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles and reduces secretion, especially salivary and bronchial secretion; reduces perspiration.
D-norpseudoephedrine causes short-term and mild release of catecholamines, it acts indirectly on ß-adrenergic agents; This activity is short-term, it appears at the level of the hypothalamus which regulates satiety and appetite centers, in adipose tissue it has thermogenic activity.
Aloin, a laxative whose active ingredient is anthraquinone; a mild laxative.
The combination of these substances causes the body to suppress appetite and speed up metabolism.