Forms & Formulations
One tablet includes 1 mg of ergotamine, 50 mg of caffeine, and 400 mg of aspirin. Such a powerful combination provides a rather quick action. In Sydolil, two different vasoconstrictors are combined into one. It reduces pain by restricting the brain's blood arteries. This medication is recommended for curing migraines, hypertension, headaches. It must be noted that the drug's main effect – vasoconstriction - is the result of ergotamine. Caffeine enhances this component.
As a stimulant for the CNS, caffeine also affects the bloodstream, resulting in lower peripheral vascular resistance without altering heart rate. Aspirin is the medicine of choice to treat moderate to severe pain, and it works by inhibiting prostaglandin production both centrally and peripherally. When other medications are ineffective Sydolil is the solution.
Kids under the age of 12 and those who are allergic to any of the medication's ingredients should not use the medicine. If you have sleep disorders, cataracts, neurosis, hypertension, and heart diseases, taking Sydolil might be dangerous. Consult your doctor before starting any therapy. The older people are also in the risk group. Only a specialist may prescribe this medication to the seniors.
Adverse Effects
Taking this medication may lead to:
· increases in blood pressure;
· digestive disorders;
· irritation and anxiety;
· tight muscular spasms.
Addiction may develop as a result of the drug's long-term use. Severe discomfort, a lack of pulse in the legs, and bright cyanosis are rare side effects. Swelling of the cheeks, eyes, and urticaria are all symptoms of an allergic response. If your condition deteriorates after taking your medication, report immediately to your attending physician.
Before starting therapy with this drug, your doctor may do a heart checkup if you have a history of heart issues. In some instances, they may ask you to take the first dosage under the supervision of a specialist to see how your organism will respond.
As soon as you notice the first signs of pain, take 1-2 tablets; if the pain continues, continue taking a pill every 30 minutes till the symptoms subside. But stick to a limit of 4 capsules a day. Taking one pill every twelve hours, depending on the extent of illness, is indicated as preventative therapy. After a week, a three- to four-day break should be taken, and then, if required, the same regimen and dose may be resumed.
The dose is adjusted depending on your medical condition and reaction to therapy. To avoid some forms of migraine, follow your doctor's instructions carefully and only use this medicine for the short time suggested by your physician.
Mode Of Drug Administration
Take Sydolil orally with or without meals, strictly observing the prescribed dosage. Taking this drug with the first symptom of a headache is the best way to get its benefits. The medicine may not work as effectively if you wait until the condition gets worse. You should only use this drug to relieve a headache that has already started, so follow your doctor's instructions on how to take it. In most cases, this drug is only used when necessary. We don't recommend using it on a daily basis.
Symptoms Of An Overdose
When someone takes too much Sydolil, they get very sick in the stomach, and the intensity of the side effects rises. A tired, sluggish, and numb-fingered syndrome may take over. Epileptic seizures have been seen in a few uncommon occurrences.
One tablet of activated charcoal should be administered to the patient as soon as possible. Symptomatic treatment may be used if required.
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