We take your privacy very seriously. We use the information you provide to us for four purposes only:

  • To process your Mexican Medicines Pharm order(s).
  • To reply to your questions.
  • To provide any subscribed newsletter via email.
  • To incorporate your feedback into improvements to our Website.

Except as required by law, we will not distribute, sell, or rent your personal information or particular account activity to anybody.
This policy describes how Mexican Medicines Pharm online handles personal information that it collects and receives, including information about your previous use of Mexican Medicines Pharm online goods and services. Personal information is information about you that is individually identifiable and not otherwise publicly accessible, such as your name, address, email address, or phone number. This policy does not apply to the practises of firms owned or controlled by Mexican Medicines Pharm, or to individuals employed or managed by Mexican Medicines Pharm.

Credit Card Fraud Protection
Cardholders are protected against fraud by all major credit card providers, subject to a $50 deductible. In the very improbable event that you experience an improper charge involving our organization, Mexican Medicines Pharm will defend you for this $50 amount.

Information We Collect
In designing our website, we started with the simple belief that customer service is our number one priority.Therefore the customer information we collect is used to enhance our services to you, our customer.

When you visit our website, we collect non-personal information about your visit.
We gather your IP address, browser type, domain name, the duration of your visit, and the number of times you visit and buy from us. To help us keep track of your future visits, we issue you a unique internal identity. We use this information to collect demographic information about our visitors and to personalize the information you see on our website and the emails you get from us (if you give us permission to send you emails).
 We keep this information for our internal use; we do not share it with others.

Our site uses cookies to store information between visits to our site.
Cookies are a tool for remembering information about a visitor as they go from one website to the next. Web browsers save cookies so that the browser may remember certain information and then transfer all of that information over to the server at once when requested. Cookies are used to remember your name and the contents of your shopping cart. This enables you to leave our site and return later with the items of your shopping basket intact. It also allows us to personalise your Mexican Medicines Pharm experience by adapting the material to your preferences. Cookies are required for the operation of our website. You will be unable to access the website if you disable cookies or reject the Mexican Medicines Pharm online cookie.

When you subscribe to our Newsletters or submit a question to Mexican Medicines Pharm, we ask you for contact information (your name and email address).
We use your name and email address when you sign up for our newsletter to send you our health newsletter and to notify you of bargains and special offers. When you submit a question to us, your question and response may be made public on the internet. Your initial name and state will appear. Mexican Medicines Pharm would not, however, reveal any information that might enable others to contact you. Unless you sign up for our newsletter, we will only use your email address to provide you the answer to your question.

If you place an order, our order forms requests: 
Contact, shipping, billing, and financial information such as your credit card and electronic checks numbers for purchases. Contact information from the order form (email address, name, billing and shipping address, and phone number) is used to send orders and information about our company to you. Your contact information is also used to get in touch with you should we have questions regarding your order or should we need to notify you of the status of your order. And yes, you can opt not to get email from us, as described in the opt-out section below. The credit card information we collect is used ONLY to bill you for products you purchase. You may opt-out of any newsletters at any later time by following the unsubscribe instructions in the newsletter or sending an email to sales@mexicanmedicinespharm.com with the word UNSUBSCRIBE followed by your email address in the subject of the email (example: UNSUBSCRIBE youremail@emailaddress.com).

We have three types of third-party relationships.
When you place your order with Mexican Medicines Pharm online, we refer your  drug medical history along with your personal contact information to our fully licensed pharmacy for review and dispensing. Under the law, our pharmacy and doctors are obligated to keep your information confidential, to be used exclusively for the purposes of approval and dispensing of your medication order.

  1. We use third-party intermediaries. When you make your purchase, your credit card information, name, and billing address is sent to credit card companies and third party Banks for verification and to authorize your purchase.
  2. We have an affiliate program that allows other individuals and websites to earn money by directing people to our website. If you purchased from Mexican Medicines Pharm online through a referral from an Affiliate partner, certain information (name, invoice amount invoice date) is available to the Affiliate for reporting purposes.

Our affiliates may have access to transaction-level data.
Our third-party affiliate program offers a feature that may allow a small number of selected affiliates to gain access to individual user transaction information that originates from links on their websites. To properly track and credit the customer’s transaction, these sites may give each of their members a unique code, which will uniquely identify the member or the member’s organization. This code is activated only when the customer links directly from the affiliate site to Mexican Medicines Pharm. Any transactions made at Mexican Medicines Pharm online while the code is active will be reported back to the affiliate. Mexican Medicines Pharm never passes on personal data or credit card data as part of this feature. We will provide only the date of the transaction, the amount of the transaction, and the product purchased. To further protect the privacy of our customers, we require all affiliates requesting this feature to sign a statement promising to inform users beforehand of any such data collection, and to guarantee that any data collected will be used solely to reward users (or their selected charities) for their purchases. If you are concerned about having your purchase tracked in this manner, you may avoid it by visiting Mexican Medicines Pharm directly (without linking from an affiliate site). If the affiliate site has not made its tracking procedures clear to you, please notify us by e-mail at sales@mexicanmedicinespharm.com

We occasionally run our own online surveys and we ask visitors for contact information (such as email address) and demographic information (such as zip code, age, or income level).
We use contact data from our surveys to send users information about our company. You may opt-out of the survey and also opt-out of any future mailings at the time of the survey. The demographic information is used to learn more about the types of people who visit our site. This information is not shared with any other parties currently. We reserve the right to share this information with other parties in the future in an aggregated format that would not disclose any personally identifiable information.

If you decide to opt out of our newsletter, our emails provide you the opportunity to opt out of receiving communications from us. You can also opt-out by sending an email to sales@mexicanmedicinespharm.com with the word “unsubscribe”, followed by your email address in the subject line of the email.

This site contains links to other sites. Mexican Medicines Pharm is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

This site gives you the following options for removing your information from our database, to not receive future communications, or to no longer receive our service.

You can send email to:

When you send email to our Customer Care Department we provide links to our contact information that allow you to contact us directly with any questions or comments you may have. We read every message received and try to reply promptly to everyone. The information you send us is used to respond directly to your questions and comments. We also keep your email correspondence on file so that we may better serve you should you have additional questions in the future.

How we notify you of changes to our Privacy Policy.
Whenever we change our privacy policy, we will endeavor to post a notice on our website indicating that a new version is available.

However, it is your responsibility to check our Terms and Policies each time before the placement of new orders. If https://mexicanmedicinespharm.com changes how it uses a user’s personal information, that user will be notified by email and they may opt-out at that time. However, if you have opted-out of all communication with the site you will not be contacted, nor will your personal information be used in this new manner.