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This sedative generic is available on the market under different brand names including Fenabbott, Phenobal, Phenobarbitone, etc. The medicine is used to treat painful sensations, fever, and headaches. Additionally, Phenobarbital provides an anticonvulsant effect, so can be prescribed to patients with insomnia, epileptics, hypnotics, sedation, etc.

Fenobarbital is a sedative and anticonvulsant that belongs to the class of barbiturates and is known by the trade name Fenabbott. The medication acts as an enzyme inducer and increases the activity of the monooxygenase enzyme system. The active substance has a soporific effect and inhibits the activity of motor zones of the cortex and subcortex of the brain. Increases the CNS content of endogenous inhibitory mediator GABA, and reduces the excitatory effect of amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) on the CNS.

Indications for use of Fenabbott

Fenabbott 100 mg is indicated in the following cases:
  • As a general sedative, especially for epilepsy and for conditions requiring prolonged sedation
  • In the treatment of tonic-clonic seizures
  • In the treatment of focal cortical seizures
  • In detoxification of chronic barbiturism
  • Illnesses and conditions when sedatives must also be taken during the day (e.g., oligophrenia, encephalopathy with signs of agitation, impulsivity)
  • When discontinuing medications that do not contain Fenobarbital, to which the body is already accustomed, and in the period of agitation when alcohol is prohibited
  • In the case of getting rid of drug addiction
  • Parkinson's disease

Prevention of fetal jaundice, which forms in maternal hyperbilirubin anemia due to Crigler-Najjar type II syndrome.

Abrupt discontinuation of therapy in patients with epilepsy may cause epileptic status.

Because suicidal thoughts and behaviors have been reported during treatment with the drug, patients should be monitored for timely detection of symptoms.

Geodon Ziprasidone


What is Geodon?

Geodon 80 mg is a drug from the group of neuroleptics, its active ingredient is Ziprasidone.

1 capsule of Geodon 80 mg contains 80 mg of Ziprasidone.

The active substance has antipsychotic, antiemetic, and sedative effects. The medicinal group of neuroleptics, to which Ziprasidone belongs, attenuates psychomotor states of agitation and reduces tension, delirium, hallucinations, thinking disorders, and ego disorders.

Geodon affects dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, and thus affects behavior and thinking.

Geodon indications

Geodon pill is prescribed for the treatment of such conditions:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Manic-depressive disorders;
  • Bipolar disorder.

Halcion Triazolam


What is Halcion?

Halcion is a sedative and hypnotic of the benzodiazepine structure. Its additional effects are muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic.

When is the Halcion drug prescribed?

Halcion Triazolam is prescribed for sleep disorders. With temporary insomnia caused by stress, the drug is prescribed a short course. As part of the complex therapy, the drug should be taken for a long time.

Triazolam is a drug from the benzodiazepine group. It stimulates benzodiazepine receptors in the brain that increase sensitivity to GABA receptors. This leads to activation of chlorine channels, increased hyperpolarization of neuronal membranes, and decreased neuronal activity.

Pharmacological characteristics, peculiarities of taking

Triazolam is characterized by a complex effect on the body:

  • sedative;
  • anxiolytic;
  • central relaxant effect on the muscles;
  • anticonvulsant effect.

Triazolam 0.25 mg tablet improves sleep. After taking the drug, the following changes are observed: the period of falling asleep decreases; the patient stops waking up at night; the total duration of sleep increases.

The elimination half-life is 1.5 - 5.5 hours. Thanks to this, there is no drowsiness after taking the drug the next morning and during the day.

The duration and quality of sleep improve after a few weeks. The drug can be taken daily before going to bed. You should use it only after a doctor's consultation. To get the desired effect, take one tablet in the evening. If you miss a dose, you should not take two the next day - an overdose can cause unwanted reactions.

The medication is taken only to improve sleep, so you should not use the medication in the morning and in the afternoon. Daytime intake can lead to impaired concentration. Therefore, after taking it, you should not engage in activities that require accuracy and attention.

Ifafonal Diazepam 10 mg 20 tabs

What is Ifafonal? THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS: Ifafonal® is indicated for the symptomatic relief of anxiety, tension and other discomforts associated with anxiety syndrome. It may also be useful as an adjunct to the treatment of anxiety or nervousness associated with psychiatric disorders.

Itravil-IFA Clobenzorex


Itravil Clobenzorex

Itravil is used as an anorexigenic drug for severe obesity. The product is prescribed for adult patients and adolescents after the age of 12. It’s used as a supplement to vigorous exercise for people who find it difficult to maintain a low-calorie diet.   Dosage Form Each CAPSULE contains:Clobenzorex hydrochloride 60 mg THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS Anorectics. Indicated for the treatment of people with a body mass index (BMI) less than or greater than 30 kg / m2 and who have not responded to a diet. Especially for those patients with diabetes, heart disease and hypertension. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY The clobenzorex, after oral administration is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaches its maximum concentration (Cmax) of one to one and a half after its administration and its concentration varies from 8 to 47 ng / ml. It is excreted in the urine, being one of the main metabolites amphetamine (15% of the administered dose) and p-hidroxiclobenzorex (1.5 to 6% of the administered dose). The clobenzorex is a sympathomimetic amine with pharmacological activity similar to that of other drugs used to treat obesity. It acts on the ventrolateral nucleus of the hypothalamus, increasing the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, and decreases its recapture in presynaptic nerve endings, above, has the effect of increasing concentrations of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine decreases appetite, activating the receptor to-4 And ß1 in the hypothalamic nuclei.

Kitoscell LP 600 mg 90 Pirfenidone Tabs


Pirfenidone Kitoscell LP (600 Mg) 90 Tabs


Liver or lung fibrosis can be treated with the powerful Mexican generic Pirfenidone Kitoscell LP. The medication is used orally. One package contains 90 tablets. Each pill consists of active and supplementary agents. One of the most important components of Kitoscell is Pirfenidone. One tablet contains 600 mg of this active agent.

This generic is notable for its anti-inflammatory effect. It can replace expensive antibiotics when it comes to the treatment of such dangerous diseases as pulmonary and liver fibrosis. Additionally, Kitoscell boosts procollagen production in the organism. That is why doctors prescribe this medication for removing scars and stretch marks together with treating nephrosis.

The Kitoscell Pharmaceutical Form

As the medication is available on the market in the form of the 90-tablet package, patients can purchase this generic for a long-lasting treatment course. For example, if the doctor prescribes 1-2 pills of Kitoscell a day, one package will be enough for the full-value therapy that lasts 1 calendar month.

Even if a healthcare specialist gradually increases your dose (up to 3 pills per day = 1800 mg daily), one Pirfenidone Kitoscell LP package is the optimal medical product package for the anti-scarring or anti-fibrosis therapy.

Side Effects and Precautions

It is worth mentioning that the generic should be administered according to the approved dosage plan. If the doses are increased gradually, the risk of side effects significantly reduces. Nevertheless, there are some common symptoms that take place in most cases:

  • nausea, vomiting;

  • Itching and other skin issues;

  • weight loss;

  • loss of appetite;

  • upset stomach, etc.

Some patients complain about sharp stomachaches at the beginning of Kitoscell therapy. This symptom can take place if the dosage plan is not followed. Inform your doctor about severe side effects that last more than 3-4 days (like serious allergic reactions, trouble breathing, diarrhea, etc.).

Kriadex Clonazepam 2 mg 60 tabs



Kriadex is prescribed for patients with anxiety disorders. It has a pronounced anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effect. It is possible to prescribe the medicine for psycho-emotional agitation and to relieve withdrawal syndrome.

What does Kriadex use for?

Kriadex is an anticonvulsant, anti-epileptic, anxiolytic, sedative, and muscle relaxant used in the treatment of conditions such as absences, myoclonus, seizures, and epilepsy.

Kriadex 2mg: Dosage

The initial dosage for adult patients should be no more than 1 mg per day. In subsequent treatment, the maintenance dosage is usually 4 to 8 mg.

For the elderly, who are particularly sensitive to the effects of central depressants, the initial dosage should not exceed 0.5 mg/day because the medication may cause confusion.

For children: Due to the presence of ethanol, this product is not indicated for use in pediatrics.

How to take Kriadex 2 mg?

The dosage of the drug is indicated in general terms. In each case, the required dose is established by the doctor, based on the patient's medical history. The daily dose should be divided into 4 doses at equal intervals throughout the day.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a daily dosage of up to 20 mg per day. Such a dosage may be taken 2-4 weeks after the start of treatment. In the initial stages of treatment, it is recommended to prescribe the minimum dosage. The dose may be increased gradually until a maintenance dose suitable for the individual patient is found. The dosage of Kriadex 2 mg should be adapted to the needs of each individual and depends on the individual response to therapy. The maintenance dose should be determined according to clinical response and tolerability. Simultaneous administration of more than one antiepileptic drug is standard practice in the treatment of epilepsy and can be done with Kriadex. Before adding a new drug to Kriadex 2mg, it is important to note that the use of several similar drugs may result in an adverse reaction in the body.

Kriadex Clonazepam Drops 10 ml


What is Clonazepam and what is it used for?

The active ingredient Clonazepam refers to long-acting benzodiazepines that stimulate inhibitory signals from the nervous system. Therefore, because of its predominantly anticonvulsant action, Clonazepam is used orally or parenterally as adjunctive therapy for epilepsy.

In addition to its anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, and muscle relaxant effects, Clonazepam has a pronounced anticonvulsant effect. Therefore, the active ingredient is used in the following diagnoses:

  • Complementary therapy for generalized epilepsy, especially in infants, children and adolescents (e.g., West syndrome, Lennox-Gasto syndrome)
  • Absent epilepsy and other myoclonic syndromes when other antiepileptic drugs are inadequate or inapplicable
  • Focal seizures in adults
  • Insomnia

Mechanism of action of the drug

Clonazepam belongs to the group of benzodiazepines. They affect the action of the physiologically most important inhibitory mediator GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), which provides protection against excessive spontaneous activity in the nervous system.

Clonazepam binds to the allosteric benzodiazepine binding site and thus increases the affinity of the natural GABA ligand for the receptor.

Chlorine channel opening is increased, and the influx of chlorine ions into the postsynapse and hyperpolarization are enhanced, resulting in an eventual decrease in excitability. Benzodiazepines cannot increase the maximal effect of GABA and therefore have a large therapeutic range.

Absorption and half-life of Clonazepam

Clonazepam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Bioavailability is 71 to 76%. Tablets and oral solutions are bioequivalent in absorption, but maximum plasma concentrations are somewhat lower for tablets and are reached somewhat later, after 2-3 hours.

Clonazepam, with a half-life of 30 to 40 hours, is one of the long-acting benzodiazepines. The drug is excreted 50-70% by the kidneys and 9-30% with the feces and is reabsorbed in the intestine. Complete excretion occurs 4-10 days after oral administration of the drops.

Lertus CD Diclofenac sodium and Codeine 50/50 mg 20 Tabs

This product is a controlled substance in Mexico and requires a doctor’s approval and prescription. The cost for the prescription and approval from the independant doctor is included in the purchase price of this medicine. This and other medicines similar will be screened for possible combinations by your approving doctor that may be harmful if taken together. here is no cost and a refund will be issued for the total price if your doctor does not approve your prescription.


Each tablet contains: Sodium Diclofenaco 50 mgs, hemihidratado codeine phosphate 50 mgs. 1 tablet. Diclofenaco - Codeine (Lertus CD) Therapeutic Indications: Analgesic narcotic, anti-inflammatory nonsteroid.

Lexotan Bromazepam

The anxiolytic pharmacological agent bromazepam lexotan is prescribed for the treatment of anxiety. Lexotan effectively deals with emotional tension, feelings of anxiety and anxiety, fear. Lexatin produces mild sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and central muscle relaxant effects. Generic name: Bromazepam. Brand name: Lexotan.

What is Lexotan?

It is a drug that has anxiolytic properties. Lexotan has a calming effect on the nervous system when taken in modest dosages. Also, it has sedative and muscle relaxing qualities when taken in large amounts. LEXOTAN contains the active ingredient bromazepam. LEXOTAN belongs to a group of medicines called benzodiazepines. They are thought to work by their action on brain chemicals. LEXOTAN is used for anxiety, tension or agitation. Anxiety or tension associated with the normal stress of everyday life usually does not require treatment with medicines. Your doctor, however, may have prescribed LEXOTAN for another purpose. Ask your doctor if you have any questions why LEXOTAN has been prescribed for you. In general, benzodiazepines such as LEXOTAN should be taken for short periods only (for example 2 - 4 weeks). Continuous long-term use is not recommended unless advised by your doctor. This medicine may be addictive. This medicine is available only with a doctor's prescription.

What is Bromazepam?

Bromazepam is an anxiolytic drug (tranquilizer), a benzodiazepine derivative. It has anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, and central myorelaxant effects. The drug reduces emotional tension, anxiety, feelings of anxiety and fear.


Bromazepam is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Neuroses and Psychopathy (accompanied by phobias, anxiety, emotional tension, anxiety)
  • Insomnia (with neurosis and anxiety)
  • Functional psychosomatic disorders of the cardiovascular system (pseudo-stenocardia, vasospastic angina, cardialgia, arterial hypertension of emotional genesis)
  • Functional psychosomatic disorders of the respiratory system (hyperventilation, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath)
  • Functional psychosomatic disorders of the digestive system (irritable bowel syndrome)
  • Psychosomatic disorders of the urinary and sexual system (frequent urination, dysmenorrhea, menstrual and menstrual disorders)
  • Psychogenic headache
  • Psychogenic dermatosis (diseases accompanied by itching, irritability)
  • Used as a means for premedication in anesthesiology

When taking Bromazepam (even in therapeutic doses), physical and mental dependence may develop. The risk of addiction increases in patients with a history of drug and alcohol dependence.



What does the Strattera do?

Strattera increases the amount of norepinephrine in the brain. This is a naturally produced chemical that increases attention and decreases impulsivity and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD. This medicine has been prescribed for you to help control the symptoms of ADHD.